Frequently Asked Questions

Can we work outside of Canada?

Yes we can! All of our Technicians have the appropriate E1 US Visas to travel and work within the United States. Technicians also carry and maintain a CARNET manifest. This allows them to be able to travel to the U.S. with all specialized tools and equipment.

How much notice does DC require before we can arrive on site?

We generally require a minimum 3 week notice before an onsite date can be met. Although special circumstances may be discussed to have our Technicians arrive with less notice.

How to schedule a Technician?

Contact us at to book a Technician anywhere in North America. Our experienced technicians can commission and or program an automation system we offer on our Systems and Services Page.

What are our rates?

Contact us at to discuss what our service rates and expense limits for your project.

What automation systems are DC Industries Technicians trained on?

The skills of our Technicians vary between them all. Please refer to the Systems and Services page for a list of all the systems we are fluent on commissioning. We will then match your choice to the appropriately trained Technician for the service.

What if a system is required to be commissioned that DC Industries does not offer?

In the event of a foreign system requiring to be programmed or commissioned, we would seek the appropriate channels in order to be trained and fully versed on the product.

We’re interested in having DC Industries Technicians learn our system.

At DC Industries we are always seeking to be trained on new and upcoming automation systems. Please contact us at for more details and to schedule our Technicians to join your training seminar.

I would like a service contract with DC Industries.

We offer service and maintenance contracts for any of the systems we currently have listed under our Systems and Services page. Please contact us at to get in touch with our service department and obtain a quote for your buildings automation system. DC Industries will also offer a service contract to maintain a system we have completed the start-up for.